Download WunderAutomation from the plugin repository

Automate more with less code
WunderAutomation is a WordPress plugin that helps you create simple but powerful WordPress automations. Without writing code.
Not having to write code makes it much more accessible to create automated tasks. Anyone, not just coders, can understand create, and maintain advanced automation workflows.
Human frienly!
How it works
WunderAutomation runs actions that will be triggered automatically by common WordPress events such as publishing a post or receiving a comment.
When an event is triggered WunderAutomation runs one or more defined actions, for instance adding a tag, changing a custom field or sending an email. Triggers and actions are kept together in a workflow and it’s possible to create as many workflows as you want.

Use filters to stay in control
To stay in control over the automation workflows, you can define filters that makes sure the actions are only executed if certain conditions are met. Use details about the post, user or WooCommerce order that triggered a workflow to determine if the actions should run or not. Send an email to yourself for all the larger orders? No problems.

Run now or later
You decide if a workflow should run directly when it is triggered or after a certain amount of time.
Define minutes, hours, days or even weeks to wait until that email is sent out. Our users take advantage of delayed actions to create simple marketing automation campaigns with WunderAutomation.
Why not ask for a review a 10 days after order completion?

WooCommerce out of the box
WunderAutomation supports WooCommerce out of the box so it can trigger on WooCommerce events such as receiving an new order and perform actions like adding an order note or updating the order status.
Extend the built in functionality with plugins. We provide multiple plugins that adds functionality to WunderAutomation to enable you to do more. Read more about our existing plugins below:
Screen shots
Overview of WunderAutomation WorkFlows Editing a WunderAutomation workflow Editing a WunderAutomation workflow Testing parameters in WunderAutomation
WunderAutomation logs everything it does and in the interest of being human friendly, it also comes with a searchable log viewer. This makes it easy to keep track of what triggers that has fired, if the filters passed OK or not and if the actions was carried out or not.
Download WunderAutomation from the plugin repository