Built in actions

Send a text email

This sends a plain text email using the built-in wp_mail() function.

Note that there are a lot of plugins that will override wp_mail and send the email via services like Sendgrid, Postmark, etc. Some of these plugins will send all outgoing emails as HTML. This means that an email sent using this action might end up as an HTML-email anyway.

Field/parameter Description
To The main recipient(s). Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Cc Recipient(s) on cc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Bcc Recipient(s) on bcc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
From Optionally specify a "From" address. Defaults to using WordPress administration email address.
Reply to Optionally specify a different "Reply to" address.
Subject Email subject.
Content Email content.
Convert line breaks to In some configurations with plugins etc. WordPress always sends emails as HTML. To properly handle line breaks in those cases, use the above checkbox.

Send an HTML email

Sends an HTML email using the built-in wp_mail() function. The look and feel of the email can be controlled via file templates. See sending HTML emails for more information.

Field/parameter Description
To The main recipient(s). Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Cc Recipient(s) on cc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Bcc Recipient(s) on bcc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
From Optionally specify a "From" address. Defaults to using WordPress administration email address.
Reply to Optionally specify a different "Reply to" address.
Subject Email subject.
Skip template If checked, the default email templates will not be used.
Heading The built-in HTML template will display a heading in the rendered HTML output. This field sets the value of the heading.
Content Email content. If the style field is used, it can be rendered in the resulting using the placeholder [STYLE].
Style Additional CSS rules.

Send a WooCommerce email

Requires WooCommerce. Sends an HTML email using the built-in wp_mail() function. The look and feel of the email are controlled via the same file templates that WooCommerce uses. This action is suitable for sending out custom emails from your WooCommerce store with an identical look and feel as the native WooCommerce notifications. See sending HTML emails for more information.

Field/parameter Description
To The main recipient(s). Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Cc Recipient(s) on cc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
Bcc Recipient(s) on bcc. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
From Optionally specify a "From" address. Defaults to using WordPress administration email address.
Reply to Optionally specify a different "Reply to" address.
Subject Email subject.
Heading The built-in HTML template will display a heading in the rendered HTML output. Use this field to control the content.
Content Email content.

Create Post

Creates a new post object.

Field/parameter Description
Post type Select the post type for the new post from the drop-down menu. The drop-down is populated with all known post types in your WordPress installation.
Post status Select the post status for the new post from the drop-down menu. The drop-down is populated with all known post statuses in your WordPress installation. Note! It’s possible to select a post status that is associated with a different post type. Be careful and make sure to set a post status that is valid for the selected post type.
Post title The title for the new post.
Post name The name (slug) for the new post. If left blank, WordPress will create a name/slug based on the post title. If you assign a non-unique value, WordPress will add a dash and a number after the slug to make it unique.
Content The post content.
Post owner Leave blank to not set an owner. You can identify the owner both via a numerical ID or via the login name (i.e admin).
Comment status Select the value "open" or "closed" from the drop-down.
Ping status Select the value "open" or "closed" from the drop-down.

Note. There is currently no way to assign categories or tags (terms) to a newly created post with this action. The same is true for custom fields. The recommended solution is to create another workflow that triggers on "Post created" (with relevant filters) and add terms and custom fields in that second workflow.

Change user role

This will only work with triggers that provide a user object.

Field/parameter Description
New role Select the new role from the drop-down menu. The drop-down is populated with all known roles in your WordPress installation.

Note. This action will set the role to exactly one value, this is the standard WordPress behaviour. However, it’s possible for a user to have more than one role if the additional roles are set via some third party plugin. If your WordPress install relies on users with multiple roles, this action might affect that functionality.

Change status

Changes the status on posts, comments or order.

Field/parameter Description
Object type Which of the provided objects that should be changed (post, comment or order).
New status The new status. When the object type is selected, this drop-down menu changes to only show valid statuses for the object type.

Change custom field

Changes the value of a custom field. If the custom field doesn’t exist on the object, a new field is added. This works on posts or users.

Field/parameter Description
Object type Which of the provided objects that should be changed (post or user).
Custom field identifier Name/identifier of the custom field.
New value New field value.
Data type Select standard (text), integer or floating point number. If integer of floating point is selected, the value is converted to the relevant data type before stored in the database.

Add remove term

Add or remove any taxonomy term from a post object.

Field/parameter Description
Object type Which of the provided objects that should be changed. Currently only supports posts.
Add or remove Choose if the taxonomy term should be added or removed from the provided object.
Taxonomy Selects the taxonomy (tags, categories etc.).
Term Term to add or remove. Once the taxonomy is selected, this drop-down is populated with all known terms from that taxonomy.
Remove existing items Relevant when adding terms. Determines if the new term should be added to all existing terms alternatively if all existing terms should be removed and replaced with the defined term.


The webhook action sends an HTTP request to a remote API using a set of parameters defined in the action UI. Read more about the webhook action here.

Field/parameter Description
Method GET or POST.
URL The target URL.
Username If basic authentication is needed, the username.
Password If basic authentication is needed, the password.
Parameters List of parameters to be sent to the remote API.


This makes an HTTP request to a remote API with a manually written payload. Read more about the REST API Call action here.

Field/parameter Description
Method GET or POST.
URL The target URL.
Username If basic authentication is needed, the username.
Password If basic authentication is needed, the password.
Content Only relevant for POST request. The request body.

Add order note

This works on WooCommerce orders. It adds an order note to an existing order.

Field/parameter Description
Note type Select between private note or a note visible to the customer.
Message The content of the note.